
Query to specify the specialty and/or taxonomy parameters for data around specialty descriptions, categories and code ties from the SPEC_DETAIL_TABLE

Get Started with specialtyDetail

If you have already setup CareQuery, run the below code to get started with your first specialtyDetail query.



Request all taxonomy/specialty details around PAs, NPs or Allergists

# import package
from care_query.care_query import CareQuery

# instantiate and connect
cq = CareQuery(email = "your-email", 
               token = "your-api-token")

# construct query
query = cq.specialtyDetail(spec_category = 'physician assistants & advanced practice nursing providers',
                           specialty = 'allergy & immunology')

# estimate query size (optional)
estimate = query.estimate() 

# return query sample data (optional)
sample = query.sample() 

# execute query to return results
data = query.execute() 

Query Parameters

The following a parameters are available within the specialtyDetail query, including details on the parameter values.

taxonomy_codeTaxonomy of organization or individual provider, 10-digit code that used to identify the type, classification, and area of specialization of an individual or organizational healthcare providervalues available
subspecialtySpecialty subcategory of the organization or individual provider(s), hyper-specific focus of a provider by patient population, disease, skill or philosophyvalues available
specialtySpecialty of organization or individual provider(s), specific focus of a provider by patient population, disease, skill or philosophyvalues available
specialty_categorySpecialty category of the organization or individual provider(s), broad focus of a provider by patient population, disease, skill or philosophyvalues available
limitNumber of rows returned in the data requestInteger or False
showBinary indicator as to whether you'd like
query to be printed for review upon it's creation
True or False

Query Return Data

The specialtyDetail query returns the SPECIALTY_TABLE for all taxonomies that meet the criterion specified within the query.

The SPECIALTY_TABLE offers comprehensive detail of taxonomies and their related categorical mappings.

taxonomy_codeTaxonomy code classification system that identifies the specific area of practice of a healthcare provider363LP0200X
subspecialtySub-specialty are specific areas of focus within a healthcare specialtynurse practitioner - pediatrics
specialtySpecialty is a branch of medicine that focuses on a specific area of the body, disease, or populationnurse practitioner
specialty_categoryBroader categories of specialty areas of focusphysician assistants & advanced practice nursing providers

Advanced Query Logic & Recipes

specialtyDetail gives users categorical groupings for ease of use, as well as SQL-like capabilities to tactfully specify AND and OR logic, right within the CareQuery API!


specialtyDetail does not allow for nested lists within the query parameters

Please reference the following resources to better understand how to create rockstar queries!