Monthly aggregation of provider referrals and the procedures performed by the referred provider, both explicitly stated on the claim and inferred via patient pathways.

The "What Happened" of Provider Relationships

🤝 Provider relationships are at the core of provider networks, CareQuery® takes great care in defining metrics around provider relationships, what we call "edges."

🩺 EDGE_PROC_TABLE presents edges with procedure detail unlocks to better understand why a referral could have occurred, what was performed and who else could have performed it (recoverability).

Table Description

yearYear in which the primary encounter occured2023
monthMonth in which the primary encounter occured2
ref_npiNational Provider Identifier (NPI) of the referring provider 1447546585
ref_nameFull name of the referring providerkellen benes
ref_specialtyPrimary specialty of the referring providertherapy - physical medicine
npiNational Provider Identifier (NPI) of the referred provider1003221029
nameFull name of the referred providergabriel jefferson
specialtyPrimary specialty of the referred providerphysician assistant
inferredBinary indicator of whether the relationship total was inferred.

True indicates that the referral was explicitly stated on the claim
False indicates that the referral was inferred from the longitudinal journey of the individual patient.
proc_codeHCPCS or CPT procedural code performed by the referred provider.97039
proc_descDescription of the procedure performed by the referred provider.under constant attendance physical medicine
proc_subcategorySubcategory rollup of the procedure performed by the referred provider.eval. and mgmt. - physical medicine
proc_categoryCategory of the CPT or HCPCS
procedure performed within the encounter
num_patientsNumber of unique patients referred within the explicit or inferred context of the relationship.4
num_encountersNumber of unique encounters referred within the explicit or inferred context of the relationship.14
total_line_chargesTotal line-item provider charges for procedures rendered submitted to insurers by the referred provider (NPI).834.18
total_claim_chargesLine-item provider and facility charge for procedures and revenue codes rendered and submitted to insurers.1,250.39
total_smart_allowedTotal smart allowed made by the referred provider within the inferred context of the relationship.

Smart Allowed is the line-item estimate of allowed amount, utilizing proprietary ML on actual adjudicated amounts to provide estimates, within an average of 5% variance from actuals.