
Parameter specifying a CPT or HCPCS procedural code.

Usability Options:

  • Selected proc_code parameter options may be leveraged in the CareQuery API as
    • A string: proc_code = "81003"
    • A list of strings for OR logic: proc_code = ["81003", "82013"]
    • List of lists of strings for AND logic: proc_code = [["81003"], ["82013"]]

Help within CareQuery API:

# import package
from care_query.care_query import CareQuery

# instantiate and connect
cq = CareQuery(email = "your-email", 
               token = "your-api-token")

# search parameter options available 
print(cq.glossary.list_options(parameter = "proc_code"))

Queries Where Parameter is Used:

Parameter Options: