This table provides ingredient, company, and categorical detail for all FDA National Drug Codes (NDCs).

Queries that source from SCRIPT_DETAIL_TABLE table

What is in the SCRIPT_DETAIL_TABLE table?

Results are returned as a json, pySpark DataFrame, or pandas DataFrame (default).

ndcFDA standardized National Drug Code 11 for a dispensed drug00002021301
labelerA company or organization that is a manufacturer, repackager, relabeler, or distributor of drugseli lilly and company
product_typeA classification of a drug product based on its intended use and how it is regulated by the FDAhuman otc drug
substanceA substance is the active ingredient in a drug productinsulin
substance_unitThe unit of measurement for the active ingredient in a drug product[iU]/mL
dosage_formThe type of pharmaceutical formulation, such as a tablet, capsule, liquid, or injection, that a drug product is available ininjection, solution
routeMethod by which a drug product is administered to the bodyparenteral
marketing_categoryA classification of a drug product based on its regulatory status and how it is marketedbla
application_numberA unique identifier for an NDC labeler's request to obtain an NDC labeler codeBLA018780
pharm_classesA list of classifications of a drug product based on its therapeutic action, or how it works in the bodyinsulin [cs],
insulin [epc]

Glossary Helper Function

CareQuery API Glossary helps users understand the underlying SCRIPT_DETAIL_TABLE dataset within the python SDK.

# import package
from care_query.care_query import CareQuery

# instantiate and connect
cq = CareQuery(email = "your-email", 
               token = "your-api-token")

# return details 