This table provides monthly aggregate totals by geography and procedure codes.
Queries that source from GEO_SPEC_PROC_TABLE table
What is in the GEO_SPEC_PROC_TABLE table?
Results are returned as a json, pySpark DataFrame, or pandas DataFrame (default).
feature | description | example |
year | Year in which the aggregated values are calculated. | 2022 |
month | Integer indicator for the month of the year in which the aggregated values are calculated | 5 |
specialty | Primary specialty of the individual provider. | Family Practice |
short_zip | First three digits of the primary patient zip code | 87101 |
state | State code of the primary patient location | NM |
proc_code | Procedure code performed within encounter(s). Designated by a CPT or HCPCS code. | 99457 |
proc_desc | Description of the procedure performed within the encounter(s). | Management using the results of remote vital sign monitoring per calendar month, first 20 minutes |
proc_subcategory | Procedural sub-category related to the procedure performed. | Eval. and Mgmt. - Special Eval. and Mgmt. Services |
proc_category | Procedural category related to the procedure performed. | Evaluation and Management |
num_patients | Total number of patients seen within the aggregation period. | 25 |
num_visits | Total number of visits within the aggregation period. | 32 |
num_encounters | Total number of encounters within the aggregation period. | 41 |
total_line_charges | Sum of line item charges within the aggregation period. Line item charges are directly related to the procedure performed. | $5,729.18 |
total_claim_charges | Sum of the claim item charges within the aggregation period. Claim charges include the procedure charge and related facility charges. | $9,103.40 |
total_smart_allowed | Sum of allowed amount estimates within the aggregation period. Smart Allowed® values are derived from multiple sources to estimate the final adjudicated amount at the line-item level. | $3,958.01 |
mean_line_charge | Average line item charge at the line itemwithin the aggregation period. Line item charges are directly related to the procedure performed. | $139.73 |
mean_claim_charge | Average claim item charge at the line item within the aggregation period. Claim charges include the procedure charge and related facility charges. | $222.03 |
mean_smart_allowed | Average allowed amount at the line item within the aggregation period. Smart Allowed® values are derived from multiple sources to estimate the final adjudicated amount at the line-item level. | $96.50 |
Updated 10 months ago