This table provides prescription claim with comprehensive drug and provider details, across entire longitudinal journeys.

Queries that source from SCRIPT_TABLE table

What is in the SCRIPT_TABLE table?

Results are returned as a json, pySpark DataFrame, or pandas DataFrame (default).

journey_idRandomly generated identifier unique to each longitudinal patient journey.355ed5199ebed017821c7faa62965a61
script_idRandomly generated identifier unique to each prescription claim.9318831e2ce3f30a83b1317b4d02ebfd
group_idRandomly generated identifier unique to each payor plan corresponding to the prescription written.315cb4170e73bed429a86e3dbb4e95a
script_dateDate the prescription was written2022-01-21
service_dateDate that the prescription was filled, services rendered, or the payer began coverage following Part A expiration in a long-term care setting2019-02-25
patient_stateUS State residence of the patient on each encounterAZ
patient_short_zipFirst three digits of the patient's zip code801
patient_ageAge (within 5 years) of the patient at the moment of each encounter.62
patient_genderGender/Sex of the patientM
hcp_npiNational Provider Identifier (NPI) of the individual that wrote the prescription for the patient.1003878000
hcp_taxonomyPrimary taxonomy code of the individual provider who wrote the prescription.207Q00000X
hcp_specialtyPrimary specialty of the individual provider provider wrote the medicine - general
hco_npiNational Provider Identifier (NPI) of the organization that fulfilled the prescription1063001238
ndcFDA National Drug Code version 11 standardized code for a dispensed drug68645054154
proprietary_nameUnique brand name of a drug product as assigned by the drug manufacturerglimepiride
refillsMaximum number of refills authorized1
quantity_prescribedQuantity of drug units prescribed0
quantity_dispensedQuantity of drug units dispensed30
fill_numberRefill number for the current SCRIPT_ID1
days_supplyEstimated number of days the dispensed drugs will last30
unit_of_measureUnits of measure for the quantity_dispensedEA
submitted_costPharmacy submitted cost of the claim$46.00
patient_payPatient cost responsibility as determined by payor$5.90
copay_insurancePatient cost responsibility as copay or coinsurance$0.00
plan_payPayor cost responsibility$1.50

Glossary Helper Function

CareQuery API Glossary helps users understand the underlying SCRIPT_TABLE dataset within the python SDK.

# import package
from care_query.care_query import CareQuery

# instantiate and connect
cq = CareQuery(email = "your-email", 
               token = "your-api-token")

# return details 